


试卷总分:100  得分:100

一、多选题 (共 4 道试题,共 10 分)

1.Which of the following sentences use the rhetorical device of hyperbole?

A.She smiled that slow dragging smile.

B.Children these days would bust out of sheetmetal clothes.

C.Momma hadn’t thought that taking off my dress in front of Mrs. Flowers would kill me stone dead.

D.What on earth did one put on to go to Mrs. Flowers’ house?


2.Which sentences use the rhetorical device of simile?

A.They look like figures representing gluttony in a medieval morality play, and you expect ladies in wimples to appear and clowns dressed like monkeys.

B.There are also big block letters laid out on sand like formations of gymnasts at a Soviet youth rally.

C.He breathes hard. He looks around.

D.Maybe he hesitates, or looks around, or gives up.


3.Metaphor is applied in ________.

A.…satiety is a dream which will always elude you.

B.When white men first effect contact with some unspoilt race of savages, they offer them all kinds of benefits, from the light of the Gospel to pumpkin pie.

C.Dance halls, cinemas, this age of jazz are all, if we may believe our ears, gateway to Hell, and we should be better employed sitting at home contemplating our sins.

D.It is scarcely possible to exaggerate the influence of vanity throughout the range of human life, from the child of three to the potentate at whose frown the world trembles.


4.Metaphor is used in ________.

A.… had bequeathed to us tablets of stone commanding that nothing in television shall ever require more than a few moments’ concentration.

B.Who can quarrel with a medium that so brilliantly packages escapist entertainment as a mass-marketing tool?

C.… force feeding on trivial fare is not itself a trivial matter.

D.… and I fear that … and our appetite for complexity are only dimly perceived.


二、判断题 (共 36 道试题,共 90 分)

5.(On Human Nature and Politics) Even gods love to be praised.


6.Priestley thinks he will become more famous if people know what is in his mind when he is sleepless.


7.While at Wittier college, Sanders (the author of “I‘ll Never Escape the Ghetto”) felt ashamed of telling people that he was from ”


8.One of the African guides could tell that these nests had been abandoned by the gorillas long before.


9.Before Sanders enrolled in Yale Law School, Watts was already a topic for discussion on the campus.


10.Anyone can perform miracles so long as he concentrates something; but television discourages concentration.


11.According to Mr. Roper’s survey, radio ranks third among the major forms of mass media in terms of popularity.


12.Gorillas have far greater physical strength than human beings.


13.(Vivisection) Protest against vivisection used to be strong, but today no one dare show any opposition.


14.Mrs. Flowers took special care of Marguerite only because she liked her.


15.(Why I Write) According to Orwell, all writers, even writers of railway guides, have aesthetic considerations.


16.Lacking direct evidence, scientists have assumed that gorillas live in a manner similar to that of humans.


17.For fifty years or more, Orwell wrote a story about himself.


18.(Why I Write) When writing Homage to Catalonia, Orwell’s first concern is political.


19.Literary men have no desire to seek publicity.


20.When he saw the gorilla, the author was so fascinated by its charming appearance that he forgot to use his binoculars.


21.The quality of late life is determined by a combination of many elements.


22.(On Getting Off to Sleep) Priestly doesn’t think he has an iron will, and he is not sorry about it.


23.Old-fashioned cheeses can no longer be bought anywhere in the United States.


24.The four motives do not carry the same weight in a write.


25.(On Human Nature and Politics) Some criminals enjoy seeing public accounts of their worst acts.


26.The Kaiser was impressed by the British naval review and decided to build a powerful navy for himself.


27.Alice Cooper took his own life at the end of a rock concert in order to shock and thrill the audience.


28.According to Jim Binns, young people today are ever more conscious of the “generation gap” than young people of the past.


29.The whole article convinces us that these animals are largely a gentle and kind species.


30.(A Lesson in Living) Marguerite was a sensitive girl and was upset by Momma’s behavior towards Mrs. Flowers.


31.Though the infliction of pain in itself is an evil act, it requires no justification if it can be done for a good purpose.


32.(Vivisection) The author praises the victory of vivisection as a great advance in the triumph of utilitarianism.


33.In Marguerite’s mind, Mrs. Flowers was a god-like figure.


34.Priestly doesn’t like Lamb’s letters.


35.Musical listening is actually done on the three planes simultaneously.


36.The American public is not well aware of the adverse effects of television.


37.(The Trouble with Television) News on TV is read very fast and made too brief and incoherent to be comprehensive.


38.Momma, in this autobiographical account, was Marguerite’s mother.


39.Old people who are poor have been poor all their lives.


40.Some idealists can choose the fourth alternative because they are more practical, though no less determined, in changing society.


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