


试卷总分:100  得分:100

一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 40 分)

1.What arenot the causes of an error().




D.deduced errors


2.Which of the following does not belong to cognitive strategies?






3.Which one of the charaters does not belongs to a good language learner?

A.Be creative and experiment with language

B.learns to live with errors and learn from errors

C.recites words without understanding

D.seeks out all opportunities to use the target language


4.Students work in pairs, each having similar pictures, but with differences. Through talking to each other, they have to find out the differences without looking at each other’s pictures. What is the name of this speaking activity

A.Reaching a consensus

B.Describe and arrange

C.Find out the difference

D.Work out the story


5.In the language focus phase, language analysis activities also provide a focus on form through ()processes.

A.teachers’ instructions

B.language acquisition

C.peers’ help



6.Which is the pre-writing activityin which a student or group of students write down as many thoughts as possible on a topic without paying attention to organization, sentence structure or spelling?





7.________is a word game in which you write answers to questions in a pattern of numbered boxes.




D.word puzzle


8.In your opinion, which one is the most typical macro planning ().

A.unit planning

B.half a semester planning

C.one semester planning

D.whole course planning


9.()research must be analytic



C.Action research

D.A case study


10.Doing a () involves achieving an outcome, creating a final product that serves some practical purpose.


B.communication task


D.listening activity


11.The Audio-lingual Method was developed in the () during World War II.奥鹏作业答案请进open5.net或请联系QQ/微信:18866732




D.United States


12.()utilize group of subjects in research. This method can also be used in experimental research.

A.A group study

B.Teaching journal

C.Lesson report

D.Action research


13.Which expression is wrong about learning students’ names?()

A.Help show students that the teacher is interested in them.

B.It shows the teacher is responsible.

C.The teacher could ask individual students to assist with demonstrations.

D.The teacher could ask individual students to assist with equipment in the class.


14.What Strategy does the repetition belong to?

A.metacognitive strategy

B.cognitive strategy

C.social strategy

D.affective strategy


15.For most people the term ”curriculum” includes those act activities that education have devised for _ ,which are represented in the form of a written document .






16.How many crucial areas are included in the profession ().






17.Among speaking strategies, which involves using alternatives for words which you do not know?

A.Tailoring message to competence


C.Using fillers and hesitation devices

D.Appealing for help


18.Cognitive and interactional patterns cannot affect the way in which students?






19.What kinds of methods can you use when you observing lessons().

A.using videotapes

B.using sheets

C.using checklists

D.above all


20.We all know that the teacher needs to know his/her students, in the following items which one is the most difficult to ascertain().



C.social background



二、多选题 (共 10 道试题,共 20 分)

21.A typical class might be structured in the manner presented below().







22.As a teacher, you need to know how the students feel about learning English and what they know. The major areas for you to investigate are ().


B.home environment and neighbourhood

C.educational background

D.motivation and attitude



23.According to Michael Wallace (2000: 209), collaboration in AR can be Collaboration with()


B.colleagues in other countries

C.colleagues a different area of expert

D.colleagues outside our school/institution


24.How teachers help the individual student in the class about their own purposes?()

A.Help to discover the purposes.

B.Help to formulate the purposes.

C.Hhelp to clarify the purposes.

D.Help to set the purposes.


25.Which of the following options are the ways to show the meaning of a structure visually?________

A.using the things in the classroom that the students can see

B.using blackboard drawing

C.think of a situation from outside the class, in which structure could naturally be used

D.explain the differences between strutures


26.Qualitative data of heuristic/synthetic research may consist of ()

A.ethnographic observations,


C.examination of texts

D.collect data


27.Why teachers should not correct every error().

A.affective concerns

B.attitude concerns

C.classroom management concerns

D.teaching concerns


28.What are the roles of teacher’s nonverbal behavior in the classroom?()

A.Allow teacher to become better receiver of students’ messages.

B.It will active classroom atmosphere.

C.Teacher will become a better sender of signals that reinforce learning.

D.It will increases the degree of the perceived psychological closeness between te


29.Research is considered to be a process built around three key features:()

A.Research questions and hypotheses are clearly articulated

B.specification of appropriate research methods for addressing and answering

C.therory of your resaerch

D.specification of a research context for the questions


30.Errors could be divided into three groups,they are().

A.interference errors

B.intralingual errors

C.systematic errors

D.developmental errors


三、判断题 (共 20 道试题,共 40 分)

31.When students are not sure how to start an activity, or what to do next, or what to say next, the teacher should give appropriate prompts.


32.In free writing activities the students are given a communicative task to perform and they depend to a large extent on the practice gained from the controlled writing to complete the task.


33.Ideally, lesson planning should be done at two levels: macro planning and micro planning.


34.Group studies utilize group of subjects in research. This method can also be used in experimental research.


35.It is the task of goverment to examine these needs to determine what goals may be relevant to its educational system.


36.The presentation stage, the practice stage and production stage are indispensable.


37.Learners can neither correct nor explain pre-systematic error.


38.If nobody corrects leanrners’ error, they will never learn good English.


39.When correcting an error, a teacher may suggest an appropriate alternative word or phrase.


40.Students develop their writing skills gradually with the help from the teacher, moving from controlled writing to guided writing and finally to free writing.


41.Intralingual errors originate with the structure of the native language itself.


42.The aim at the controlled practice stage is simply to give students practice in forming or “manipulating” the structure.


43.It is the best to follow the order and pace of the course book.


44.Classroom management is the way teachers organize what goes on in the classroom.


45.An important tenet of structural linguistics was that the primary medium of language is oral: Speech is language.


46.The simplest type of experiment involves two “equivalent” groups.


47.Metacognitive strategies are skills used for planning, monitoring, and evaluating the learning activity.


48.According to Noss , there are a number of facilities available to implement the language policy.


49.It is best to correct all the mistakes students make in the class.


50.Indeed the most important factor in writing exercises is that students need to be personally involved in order to make the learning experience of lasting value.


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